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Fall – Year 1

ENG 101 Writing I (3)

**MTH 111 College Algebra & Trig (3)

BAd 103 Intro to Software Applications (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

BU 101 Intro to Brescia University (1)

Total (16)

Spring – Year 1

ENG 102 Writing II (3)

**MTH 113 Survey of Calculus (3)

SPH 110 Public Speaking (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

Total (15)

Fall – Year 2

ACC 201 Principles of Accounting I (3)

ECO 201 Economic Concepts I (3)

MGT 306 Management Concepts (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

Total (18)

Spring – Year 2

ACC 202 Principles of Accounting II (3)

ECO 202 Economic Concepts II (3)

MKT 307 Marketing Concepts (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

Free Elective (3)

Total (18)

Fall – Year 3

BAd 318 Business Statistics (3)

*Business Elective (3)

*Economics Elective (3)

GER (3)

GER (3)

Total (15)

Spring – Year 3

BAd 301 Business Law (3)

FIN 308 Financial Concepts (3)

*Business Elective (3)

*Business Elective (3)

Free Elective (3)

GER (3)

Total (18)

Fall – Year 4

BAd 405 Management Info Systems (3)

*Business Elective (3)

*Business Elective (3)

Free Elective (3)

GER (3)

Total (15)

Spring – Year 4

BAd 499 Business Policy (3)

*Business Elective (3)

*Business Elective (3)

*Business Elective (3)

GER (3)

Total (15)

*Business Electives must be 300/400 level

**Students should enroll in the highest level mathematics course for which they’re qualified. The MTH 111/113 sequence is the minimum-level.